Sonia Buma - Cofounder & President of Hope for Cameroon.

Our History

I am Sonia Buma, a native of Bamenda, Cameroon. Since childhood, my father instilled in me the importance of education in achieving one’s dreams. My aspiration has always been to contribute to the growth and development of my community and country. Thankfully, I became the first MasterCard Foundation scholar from Cameroon, which afforded me the opportunity to study International Development at McGill University on a full scholarship. While pursuing my degree, I co-led a collaborative community-building initiative in Cameroon that involved constructing a water tank, a biogas digester, and empowering women to run their own ginger farm and retail business. These projects were running smoothly until the outbreak of the crisis in Cameroon in 2016, which adversely impacted my projects and my family. I have lost three dear uncles and friends since the crisis began.

Given the disruptive situation in Cameroon, I refused to let circumstances dictate my path and instead chose to explore alternative ways to aid those affected by the crisis. Consequently, I co-founded Hope for Cameroon. Our primary focus is to provide assistance to vulnerable internally displaced persons in Cameroon as a result of the crisis. Since our inception, our goal has been to prioritize the needs of women, youth, and children who have been among the most vulnerable populations affected by the crisis. We are working tirelessly to ensure that these individuals have access to the necessary resources to rebuild their lives and thrive despite the challenges they face. With Hope for Cameroon, we hope to make a positive impact and contribute to the growth and development of our beloved country.

I am deeply appreciative of the MasterCard Foundation for the opportunity they afforded me to access high-quality education in one of the world’s finest universities. The scholarship not only changed my life but also provided me with the tools and skills necessary to make a difference in the lives of others. I am committed to paying this generosity forward and inspiring positive change in my community. Education is an essential component of this change, and I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power it possesses. Therefore, my mission is simple – to help displaced children whose parents cannot afford their tuition, to access quality education, and to empower women and youth to learn marketable skills that can enable them to become self-reliant. I believe that investing in education is an investment in the future of Cameroon, and I am determined to play my part in making that future a reality.

Who We Are

Core values


We foster a conducive work environment based on the ethical values of honesty and trust.


We believe that transparency is key to building trust not only with our donors …


We are committed to holding ourselves to the highest level of responsibility and accountability.


We acknowledge that development aid if not rightly implemented may

Our Work



Hope for Cameroon works extensively through focused livelihood improvement projects in 3 major areas:

  • Advancing children’s education.
  • Empowering women through business and entrepreneurship development.
  • Providing basic humanitarian relief to internally displaced women and children.
Our Montreal team during an outdoor meeting on McGill Campus © 2020 HfC images



With over 1.5 years of existence, HfC has raised more than $16,000 and executed 4+ projects, directly impacting the lives of around 350 internally displaced persons in education, humanitarian aid, business, and entrepreneurship development across three communities in Cameroon.










Communities Impacted

Our Partners & Friends

Our Team

Our young team includes a diverse set of passionate and dedicated Alumni and students from McGill university and Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM), as well as group members in Douala who lead our projects on the ground.